A Thank You from Leah Witmer, CNYWBA President

I wanted to thank those of you that attended the CNYWBA Annual Meeting last week and we missed those of you that couldn't make it. For me, it was a fulfilling ending to my term as President to see everyone take an hour out of their busy schedule to recap CNYWBA's incredible year in an incredible space. This year our theme, "Dimensions of Wellness," provided members with opportunities to explore and engage in wellness practices and offerings in and around the City of Syracuse while highlighting and supporting local MWBE's. As you will see in our below "Year In Review" slideshow, we excelled with another successful year. We invite you to take a few minutes to flip through the slideshow and reach out if you would like copies of any of the pictures - we have these and many more. 

CNYWBA 2023-2024 Year In Review